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How WhatsApp can help you stay connected during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic WhatsApp helps you connect with those who matter most. H...

How WhatsApp can help you stay connected during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

WhatsApp helps you connect with those who matter most. Here are some of the ways you can use WhatsApp to look after friends and family, stay up to date with the latest official health information, and share information responsibly. If you’re new to WhatsApp or just need a refresher, here is a step-by-step guide on how to get started.

Connect remotely

Use WhatsApp features, like groups, voice, and video calls to stay connected and provide support to loved ones even though you might not be able to be in the same place.

Choose reliable sources of information

Connect with local, national, and global organizations. Turn to trusted sources, like the World Health Organization or your national health ministry, for the latest information and guidelines.

Help prevent the spread of rumors

Think about the messages that you receive, because not everything you receive about coronavirus may be accurate. Verify the facts with other trusted official sources, fact checkers, or via the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) fact checking chatbot at +1 (727) 2912606. If you aren’t sure something’s true, don’t forward it.

Community Leaders

We’re committed to providing community leaders support as you respond to this challenge. Learn how you can use WhatsApp to inform and stay connected to your community while people are worried about coronavirus.


See how people are using WhatsApp to connect with their communities during this challenging time:

  • In Pakistan, a WhatsApp group raised Rs21 million to support the country’s most vulnerable from sinking into poverty: Read article here >
  • A group of Italian Mayors stays connected using WhatsApp: Read article here >
  • Elementary schools in Naples, Italy continue education despite closures, using WhatsApp to deliver assignments to families: Read article here >
  • A man in Hong Kong is turning to WhatsApp to mobilize the community in support of local businesses: Read article here >
  • An employment empowerment program in Jordan is using WhatsApp to keep women motivated to find jobs as the Coronavirus hits: Read article here >
  • Medical professionals in Paris form a WhatsApp group to get the latest updates on hospital capacities: Read article here >
  • Officials in Coimbatore, India hold meetings through WhatsApp: Read article here >
  • Teachers in refugee camps in Syria share video lessons with parents on WhatsApp: Read article here >
  • Slavery survivors in India are using WhatsApp groups to raise awareness about coronavirus among their peers: Read article here >
  • Patients in Florianópolis, Brazil can schedule appointments and ask questions using WhatsApp: Read article here >

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