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Your privacy is our priority

Our mission is to connect the world privately by designing a product that's simple and private. Whether you are sending a personal messa...

Our mission is to connect the world privately by designing a product that's simple and private. Whether you are sending a personal message to your friends or family, or texting with a business, your communications are secure and you are in control.

Your privacy is automatic

  1. End-to-end encryption

    Conversations in end-to-end encrypted chats are clearly labeled with a gold message; these messages and calls stay between you, and no one else can read or listen to its content, not even WhatsApp.

  2. Messages are stored on your device

    Your messages belong to you. That's why your messages are stored on your phone, and we don't share them with advertisers.

We're committed to keeping you safe

WhatsApp offers a series of tools, features, and resources to help you make informed decisions and keep your communication safe and secure.

Learn how to:

Data transparency

We want to be clear about what information remains private and what information we collect and share with our parent company, Facebook. The information we share helps us provide the best user experience and improve security. For the most up-to-date and accurate information, see our privacy policy.